sexta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2014



" Não caiu o avião JJ3720 da TAM " - e nem poderia mesmo porque um avião que estava no chão , não poderia cair mesmo! 
Jucelino Luz, agradece a Empresa TAM, pela seriedade e a credibilidade que deu aos seus sonhos premonitórios . Graças , a Deus , a Mídia, aos internautas e a Empresa TAM , não tivemos perdas de vidas ...
Esse é o nosso único compromisso , " Salvar vidas humanas & a proteção do meio ambiente. " Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014 

Mario Ronco Filho -( Jornalista )

"It hasn´t  felt  the JJ3720 TAM aircraft" - and it wouldn´t  not even because a plane was on the ground, then, it  could not even fall!
Jucelino  Luz , , thanks a lot the TAM  Company , the seriousness and credibility that was given  for Jucelino Luz   precognitive dreams. Thanks to God, the media, the Internet and the TAM company , we had no loss of life indeed  ...
This is our only commitment, "Save lives & the protection of the environment." Jucelino Luz  -26/11/2014

Mario Ronco Filho - (Journalist)


"Il n'a pas senti l'avion TAM JJ3720" - et il ne auriez même pas parce qu'un avion était sur le sol, puis, il ne pouvait même pas tomber!
Jucelino Luz, merci beaucoup la société TAM, le sérieux et la crédibilité qui a été donnée pour Jucelino Luz rêves prémonitoires. Merci à Dieu, les médias, l'Internet et la société TAM, nous avons eu aucune perte de vie en effet ...
Ce est notre seul engagement, «Sauver des vies et la protection de l'environnement."Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Filho Ronco - (Journaliste)
Tusen takk til TAM AIRLINES!

"Det har ikke følt JJ3720 TAM fly" - og ville det ikke ikke engang fordi flyet var på bakken, da, det kunne ikke engang falle!
Jucelino Luz, takket mye TAM Company, alvoret og troverdighet som ble gitt for Jucelino Luz precognitive drømmer. Takk til Gud, media, internett og TAM selskap, vi hadde ingen tap av liv faktisk ...
Dette er vår eneste forpliktelse, "Redde liv og beskyttelse av miljøet." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Ronco Filho - (Journalist)
Большое спасибо TAM Airlines!

"Это не почувствовал самолет JJ3720 ТАМ" - и это wouldn't даже не потому, самолет был на земле, то, что не может даже упасть!
Jucelino Luz, благодаря много ТАМ компании, серьезность и надежность, что было дано Jucelino Luz вещие сны. Слава Богу, в средствах массовой информации, Интернет и компании TAM, у нас не было потерь сама жизнь ...
Это наш единственный обязательство, "Спасем жизни и защиту окружающей среды." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Марио Ронко Filho - (журналист)
Vielen Dank an TAM AIRLINES!

"Es fühlte sich nicht die JJ3720 TAM Flugzeug" - und es würde nicht nicht einmal, weil ein Flugzeug war auf dem Boden, dann könnte es nicht einmal fallen!
Jucelino Luz, vielen Dank der TAM-Company, die Ernsthaftigkeit und Glaubwürdigkeit, die für Jucelino Luz präkognitive Träume gegeben wurde. Dank sei Gott, der Medien, des Internets und der TAM Unternehmen, hatten wir keine Verluste an Menschenleben in der Tat ...
Das ist unsere einzige Verpflichtung, "Leben retten und den Schutz der Umwelt." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Filho Ronco - (Journalist)
Grazie mille a TAM AIRLINES!

"Non ha sentito l'aereo JJ3720 TAM" - e non avrebbe't nemmeno perché un aereo era a terra, poi, non poteva nemmeno cadere!
Jucelino Luz,, grazie mille della Società TAM, la serietà e la credibilità che è stata data per Jucelino Luz sogni premonitori. Grazie a Dio, i media, Internet e la società TAM, abbiamo avuto alcuna perdita di vite in effetti ...
Questo è il nostro unico impegno, "Save vive e la tutela dell'ambiente." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Ronco Filho - (Giornalista)
धन्यवाद टैम एयरलाइंस को एक बहुत कुछ!

"यह JJ3720 टीएएम विमान महसूस नहीं किया गया है" - और यह एक विमान जमीन पर था भीक्योंकि wouldn't, फिरयह भी नहीं गिर सकता है!
Jucelino लूजबहुत बहुत धन्यवाद टीएएम कंपनी, Jucelino लूज precognitive सपनों के लिए दियागया था कि गंभीरता और विश्वसनीयता। भगवान का शुक्र हैमीडियाइंटरनेट और टीएएम कंपनी के लिए,हम वास्तव में जीवन का कोई नुकसान नहीं था ...
यह "सहेजें और पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा रहती है।", हमारे ही प्रतिबद्धता है Jucelino लूज -26/11/2014

मारियो Ronco फ़ील्हो - (पत्रकार)
Hartelijk dank aan TAM Airlines!

"Het is niet voelde de JJ3720 TAM vliegtuigen" - en het zou niet zelfs niet omdat er een vliegtuig was op de grond, dan is het niet eens kon vallen!
Jucelino Luz, dankzij veel de TAM Company, de ernst en geloofwaardigheid die werd gegeven voor Jucelino Luz precognitieve dromen. Dank aan God, de media, het internet en de TAM bedrijf, hadden we geen verlies van het leven inderdaad ...
Dit is onze enige verplichting, "Save woont en de bescherming van het milieu." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Ronco Filho - (Journalist)

「それはJJ3720 TAM航空機を感じていない」 - それは飛行機が地面にあったとしてものではないwouldn't、その後、それも落ちることができませんでした!

マリオロンコフィリオ - (ジャーナリスト)
Muchas gracias a TAM AIRLINES!

"No ha sentido la aeronave JJ3720 de TAM" - y no no volvería't incluso porque un avión estaba en el suelo, luego, no podría incluso caer!
Jucelino Luz,, agradece mucho la compañía TAM, la seriedad y la credibilidad que se le dio para Jucelino Luz sueños premonitorios. Gracias a Dios, los medios de comunicación, la Internet y la compañía TAM, que no tenía ninguna pérdida de vida de hecho ...
Este es nuestro único compromiso "Salvar vidas y la protección del medio ambiente." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Ronco Filho - (Periodista)

"Ini belum merasakan pesawat JJ3720 TAM" - dan wouldn't bahkan tidak karena pesawat berada di tanah, maka, itu bahkan tidak bisa jatuh!
Jucelino Luz,, terima kasih banyak TAM Perusahaan, keseriusan dan kredibilitas yang diberikan untuk Jucelino Luz mimpi precognitive. Terima kasih kepada Tuhan, media, internet dan perusahaan TAM, kami tidak punya korban jiwa memang ...
Ini hanya komitmen kami, "Simpan hidup & perlindungan lingkungan." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Ronco Filho - (Wartawan)
ขอบคุณมากที่จะ TAM สายการบิน!

"มันยังไม่ได้รู้สึกว่าเครื่องบิน JJ3720 TAM" - และมัน wouldn't ไม่ได้เพราะเครื่องบินที่อยู่บนพื้นดินแล้วก็ไม่สามารถที่จะตก!
Jucelino Luz, ขอบคุณมาก บริษัท TAM, ความรุนแรงและความน่าเชื่อถือที่ได้รับสำหรับ Jucelino Luz ฝัน precognitiveขอบคุณพระเจ้าสื่ออินเทอร์เน็ตและ บริษัท TAM เรามีการสูญเสียชีวิตแน่นอนไม่ ...
นี้คือความมุ่งมั่นของเราเท่านั้น "ช่วยชีวิตและการป้องกันของสภาพแวดล้อม." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

มาริโอ Ronco Filho - (นักข่าว)

这并没有感觉到JJ3720 TAM飞机” - 它也不会转回去也不是因为飞机是在地面上话,它甚至不能倒下!
Jucelino卢斯,非常感谢的TAM公司,严肃性和可信度被赋予了Jucelino Luz预知梦。感谢上帝媒体互联网和TAM公司们没有失去生命的确是...

马里奥龙科菲略 - 电(记者)

這並沒有感覺到JJ3720 TAM飛機” - 它也不會轉回去也不是因為飛機是在地面上的話,它甚至不能倒下!
Jucelino盧斯,非常感謝的TAM公司,嚴肅性和可信度被賦予了Jucelino Luz的預知夢。感謝上帝媒體互聯網和TAM公司我們沒有失去生命的確是...

馬里奧龍科菲略 - 電(記者)
감사합니다 TAM 항공사 LOT!

"그것은 JJ3720 TAM 항공기를 생각하지 않았습니다"- 그것은 비행기가 지상에에도 때문에하지 wouldn't, 다음심지어는 이룰  없었!
Jucelino 루즈덕분에 많은 TAM 회사, Jucelino 루즈 예지  주어졌다 심각성과 신뢰성감사는 하나님미디어인터넷과 TAM 회사에우리는 참으로 생명의 손실이 없었 ...
이것은 "저장  환경 보호를 살고있다."우리의 유일한 약속입니다 Jucelino 루즈-26/11/2014

마리오 RONCO 필료 - (기자)
Wielkie dzięki dla TAM Mercosur!

"To nie czuł samolotu JJ3720 TAM" - i to nawet, bo nie wouldn't samolot był na ziemi, to, że nie może nawet spaść!
Jucelino Luz, dzięki dużo TAM firmy, powagę i wiarygodność, która została przyznana za Jucelino Luz prekognicyjnym marzeń. Dzięki Bogu, mediów, Internetu i firmy TAM, nie mieliśmy utraty życia rzeczywiście ...
To nasz jedyny zaangażowanie "Zapisz mieszka i ochrony środowiska." Jucelino Luz -26/11/2014

Mario Ronco Filho - (dziennikarz)

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2014

サン·ロウレンソMGで、Jucelinoライトレクチャー(ブラジル) - デイ2014年11月8日

サン·ロウレンソMGで、Jucelinoライトレクチャー(ブラジル) - デイ2014年11月8日

Jucelino Nobrega·ダ·ルス、この日の2014年8月11日に講演を行いました - セントローレンスMGで、氏の努力のおかげでドニゼッチ、起業家cidade.Com入場無料のための地域とサポートの居住者を招待する。 .whereは、極地の氷冠が融解などの様々な問題、地球温暖化、森林破壊、地球上で水不足、干ばつ、ブラジルでの暴力に対処することが可能であった。














FAO(食糧農業機関、食料と農業に専念国連機関)によると、90年代以来、年間の植生カバーの1610万ヘクタール、熱帯の1520万を破壊された。 1990年から2000年の間で、最も高い森林伐採は、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、コンゴ、インドネシア、メキシコ、ナイジェリア、スーダンのような貧しい国で発生した。同調査は、環境悪化の主な原因は、農業への森林の転換であることを示したことが、火災や森林資源の過剰使用。

極地の氷冠の融解も、ビーチの近くに住んでいる人にとって深刻な問題となります。 -ifは、被写体について少し話すが、状況は2021年まで深刻で、潮の干満を増加させ、前進させる。


Speech (Lecture ) of Jucelino Luz in São Lourenço -M.G. ( Brazil )

Lecture Jucelino Luz , in São Lourenço MG (BRAZIL) - Day 11/08/2014
Jucelino Nobrega da Luz, gave a lecture on this day 08.11.2014 - at St. Lawrence MG, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Inviting Donizete, a resident of the region and support for entrepreneurs  of the city .With free entry. .where Was possible to address various issues such as melting polar ice caps, global warming, deforestation, water shortages on the planet, droughts, violence in Brazil.
A more detailed summary of some key points for our understanding:
The term consumer society is one of many attempts to understand the changes taking place in contemporary societies. Refers to the importance that the consumer has won in the formation and strengthening of our identity and building social relationships. Thus, the level and style of consumption become the main source of cultural identity and participation in collective life, acceptance into a group and distinction with others. We call consumerism expansion of the culture of "haves" at the expense of the culture of "being".

Consumption invades various spheres of social, economic and political life, cultural. In this process, public services, social relationships, the nature, time and the human body itself turn into commodities. Therefore, since industrialization from 1940 to 2014, had a very high impact of C02 emissions in the atmosphere that is found in more than 415 million today and particles to reach the "Chaos" only need 500 million.

Jucelino Luz  & Mayor of  São Lourenço-M.G -JOSÉ SACIDO BARCIA NETO
HOTEL GUANABARA  - Where Jucelino Luz   stayed  there .

Environmental impacts of consumption
Citizenship and Sustainable Consumption (Our choices make a difference)
Proposed changes in consumption patterns (Ethical consumption, responsible consumption and responsible consumption)
A feature increasingly threatened
The distribution and consumption of fresh water in the world
Water in Brazil
Home to 13.7% of the world's fresh water. More than 73% of available fresh water in the country is in the Amazon basin.

Brazil also records high wastage from 23% to 65% of treated water for consumption is lost in distribution, depending on the storage conditions of supply networks. Besides these losses of water in the path between the processing stations and the consumer waste is also large in our homes, involving, for example, the time required to take a bath, the shape itself and bathe the use of the discharge vessel health who consume a lot of water, dishwashing with water, using the hose as a broom for cleaning driveways, washing cars etc .. Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, may suffer in 2022 due to the supply major droughts that could hit the country.
Water uses
In Brazil, the Ministry of Cities, about 60 million Brazilians (9.6 million urban households) are not served by mains sewage, and of these, approximately 15 million (3.4 million households) have access to piped water. Even more alarming is the information that, when collected, only 25% of sewage is treated, the remainder being dumped "in natura", ie, without any treatment into rivers or the sea.

Above all, we run a risk of a power outage happen until 2017.

To avoid a serious problem Brazil needs to replant the trees by 180 million by 2017 and; the world needs 2 billion in total.

Leisure and tourism
Ecotourism: a sustainable way of using natural resources (forests: much more than a set of trees)
Sustainable exploitation of timber
According to FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization, the UN agency dedicated to food and agriculture), since the 90s were destroyed 16.1 million hectares of vegetation cover per year, 15.2 million in the tropics. Between 1990 and 2000, the highest deforestation occurred in poor countries like Argentina, Brazil, Congo, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Sudan. That same survey showed that the main cause of environmental degradation is the conversion of forests to agriculture, fires and overuse of forest resources.

The melting of polar ice caps will also be a serious problem for those who live near the beaches; -If speaks little about the subject, but the situation is serious by 2021, increasing and advancing tides.

Hotel Chateau De La Montagne 

Where was the lecture of Jucelino Luz 

Preserving biodiversity is a duty of all

domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014



Jucelinoルスは、強力な脅威を被るとより良い世話をする必要がありますし、彼の保護がどこに彼が場所に旅行される場合であっても、一部のテロリストはローマ、イタリア、および/または教皇フランシスコに対する攻撃を尽くすことが、教皇フランシスへの手紙で述べているより脆弱とテロリストが彼を殺すしやすい。 Jucelinoルス情報によると、彼はクロアチアへ旅行していたという警告を書いたと啓示があり、その後来ていた彼は報告を受けていましたし、教皇フランシスに認定された手紙を送り、教皇が約危険にしておく必要がありイタリア外での訪問。そして、国自体の中で、ホーリネスに対するこの種の攻撃が発生する可能性があります..

教皇への脅威はさらに深刻である。 「私はローマ法王フランシスコはより良い世話をする場合には、原則として、それが良いだろう、未来のテロリストの計画が、約知識がないことを明確にしたい、彼の健康状態は非常に良いではありません含め.. Jucelinoルスレッツ語る教皇のフランシス意思を祈る..

マリオロンコフィリオ - ジャーナリスト

Pope Francis was warned about possible attacks against his life.

Jucelino Luz, said in a letter to Pope Francis would suffer strong threats and should take better care and may even , some terrorists will try attack against the Pope Francisco in Rome, Italy and / or when he will be traveling to places where his protection is more fragile and easy for terrorists to kill him. According to Jucelino Luz information, he wrote down that alert when he had been traveling to Croatia and the revelation had come up then , there he had received information and sent a certified letter to the Pope Francis , and the Pope has to be in danger about visits outside Italy. And also in the country itself, this kind of attack against the Holiness may occur..

Someone wants to kill the Pope. The threats are real, "said Jucelino Luz on one of the letters. Because I am concerned he is a very good and humble person .One example for all mankind.
The threat to the Pope is even more serious. "I want to make clear that I have no knowledge about the future plans of the terrorists But, as a rule, it would be better if the Pope Francisco take better care;.. Including his health is not very good, says Jucelino Luz Let's pray for Pope's Francis intention..

Mario Ronco Filho - Journalist

domingo, 7 de setembro de 2014




1 - グレートウェールズ、強い雨がブラジルのいくつかの領域にヒットします。

2 - 。イラク北部のバグダッドでのテロ攻撃の中で40以上の死者。

3 - 強力な地震が多くの人を犠牲にも、インドネシアに当たる。

4 - それは彼女が一人で実行されている危険性の世話をする月であることを行っているので、マリナ·シルバ、大統領候補は、非常に慎重でなければなりません。 (ブラジル)


6 - アマゾンでは、紛争により一部の地域で荒廃し、問題には今月15%に上昇する。

7 - フランスは、いくつかの深刻な問題を持っている必要がありますし、不祥事が発生する場合があります。

8 - イングランド·プランでは、テロリストのコミット可能性があり、近い将来の攻撃の可能性と国の一部のメンバーからの入力をアップしている。





13 - 中国では強い地震は、より多くの犠牲者を引き起こし、国の条件を振るでした。




17 - ノルウェー、デンマーク、スウェーデンでは、大雨、道路上でいくつかのロックンロールのシャットダウンを引き起こす可能性があり、いくつかの地域では、被害者が発生することがあります。


19 - 強力な地震が日本を襲ったし、中央エリアの近くにいくつかの人々を犠牲にあり;

20 - 台風は、韓国、日本、台湾、中国に向かって行くことができます

21 - 強い地震がオーストラリアを打つ、被害者が発生することがあり;

22 - 強い風と雨がニュージーランドとオーストラリアで洪水を引き起こす可能性があります。

23 - 熱や火災がオーストラリアに到達し、国の強力な竜巻が発生する可能性があります。

24 - 強力な地震がコロンビア全国被害者を作ることができますヒット。

25 - エボラ、さらにトップとブラジルを広めでした、ウイルスゲートウェイ、空港、河川港での検査の欠如のために不足していてもよい。


27 - 富士山、日本のもう一つの大きな看板、したがって、離れて火山周辺400キロの周りに地震の数百人を記録し、近い将来にその噴火を示し;

28 - アフリカの平面の秋、南アフリカに近い多くの人を犠牲にすることができます。

29 - ギニアビサウにおいて、アフリカの一部の地域で競合が犠牲者を作ることができます。

30 - コンゴでは、火山が噴火する可能性;

31は - 米国では、強力な竜巻は、国のいくつかの領域に当たる。

32 - スペインでは、攻撃は首都(マドリッド)で多くの人を犠牲にすることができます。

33 - 強い地震がチリに達する可能性がある。

34 - タイの紛争は、多くの人々を犠牲にすることができます.....。

35 - 豪雨ベトナムにヒットし、ハノイで洪水や地滑りを引き起こす。

36 - 強力な地震は、フィリピンに当たり、被害者が発生することがあります。

37 - スリランカ、ラオスの洪水は、国別に多くの犠牲者を行うことができます

38 - 豪雨に伴っウェールズリオグランデは、洪水や破壊を引き起こす、スル、サンタカタリーナ、パラナ、リオ·デ·ジャネイロとサンパウロを行うことに到達することができ;.

39 - 豪雨と洪水は、ベトナムで多くの死傷者が発生することがあります。

40 - ベルギー、オランダ、ドイツはどこでも厳しい雨とウェールズQUE原因の被害者に見舞われている。 ;

41 - 強風、大雨はアルゼンチンが可能犠牲者で、ヒット。
Forecasts for the month of September 2014 

(Dreams are not predestination)

1  -   Great gales, and strong rain will hit some regions of Brazil;

2 - . Iraq more than 40 deaths in terrorist attack in northern Baghdad;

3 -  Strong earthquake hits Indonesia, may victimize many people;

4  -   Marina Silva, the presidential candidate must be very careful, because it is going to  be a month of taking care of the  danger  she is running  by herself ; (Brazil)

5.-  Argentina suffers more from the economic situation may arise and demonstrations;

6 -   In the Amazon rises to 15% this month in devastation and problems in some regions by conflicts;

7  -  France must have some serious problems and scandals may arise;

8  -   In England plans may commit terrorist s and  it is coming up  input from some members in the country with the possibility of attacks in the near future;

9-    Worsening economic conditions in Portugal, which may affect some sectors and new banking scandals arise and companies .;

10-   Drought in India can cause serious damage to the country and the scarcity of water can affect the cultivation of crops;

11-   Shock between  trains can victimize dozens of people in India;

12-   Strong winds and heavy rains in Macau, Hong Kong and Singapore may close schools and disrupt some locations, causing floods and problems in these countries;

13 -  In China a strong earthquake could shake the conditions of the country, causing more victims;

14-  Heavy rains and strong winds may hit Taiwan and cause destruction and deaths;

15-  In Peru a gas explosion can cause many victims;

16-  In Paraguay begins increasing cases of Dengue hemorrhagic spreading through the country;

17 - In Norway, Denmark, Sweden, heavy rains can cause the shutdown of some rock and roll on the roads and can cause victims in some regions;

18-   Attack in Russia can victimize many innocent people;

19 -  Strong quake may hit Japan and victimize some people near the central area;

20 -   A Typhoon can go toward South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China,

21 - Strong Earthquake hits Australia, may cause victims;

22 -  Strong winds and rains can cause floods in New Zealand and Australia;

23 - The heat and fires reach Australia and can cause strong tornadoes in the country;

24 - Strong earthquake hits Colombia can make victims throughout the country;

25 - Ebola could spread further and Brazil, may be a gateway to the virus, and lack for lack of inspection in airports and river ports;

26-  There is much risk of eruption at a volcano in Iceland, may cause a lot of damage;

27 - Another great sign of Mount Fuji-Japan, indicates its eruption in the near future, therefore, records hundreds of earthquakes around 400 kms away  around the  volcano;

28 -  Fall of a plane in Africa, can victimize many people close to South Africa;

29 - Conflicts in Guinea Bissau and in some regions of Africa can make victims;

30 -  In Congo, a volcano may erupt;

31 -  In the USA, a strong tornado hits some regions in the country;

32 -  In Spain, an attack can victimize many people in the capital (Madrid);

33 -  A strong earthquake could reach Chile;

34 -  Conflict in Thailand can victimize many people .....;

35 -  Heavy rains hit Vietnam and cause floods and landslides in Hanoi;

36 - Strong earthquake hits the Philippines and can cause victims;

37 -  Floods in Sri Lanka and Laos, can do many victims by country

38 -  Gales, accompanied with heavy rainfall can reach the Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, causing flooding and destruction .;

39 -  Heavy rains and flooding can cause many casualties in Vietnam;

40 -  Belgium, Holland and Germany are hit by severe gales and rain that cause victims everywhere. ;

41 -  Gales, heavy rain hits Argentina, with possible victims.

segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2014










「一定の余震がありますが、「ジュセリーノ氏は述べています。 「力は、それが外のすべての暗い、ダウンしている、と私はその夢を見たとき、私は本当に怖い。"

Jucelino Nobegaダ·ルス


Earthquake can kill hundreds innocent people in China, says Jucelino

A powerful earthquake  can rock a mountainous region of southwest China on this  Sunday , August  3  of 2014 , it can  kill at least 300 people and injure more than 1,800 others, according to the information of Jucelino Luz . With dozens of people will be reported  as missing on Sunday night, the death toll will be  expected to rise, says Jucelino .

The earthquake, which  will strike  at more or less  4:30 p.m. with a preliminary and will  report magnitude of 6.0  in Ludian County in Yunnan Province but will be also felt in two adjacent provinces, according to his predictions  he wrote  in a letter that was sent to authorities last year  .

“According my dreams , I just fell to the ground and stayed there until the shaking stopped, and then I cried and cried,” And I had waked up soon because it was like a nightmare , when I have gotten this dream I was travelling  to Oslo Norway at the house of  a journalist Ann Kristin who helped to send that letter to authorities afterwards .

I have just remember in September 2012, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit the same area, killing 81 people and injuring 821. In the 1970s, two strong earthquakes killed more than 15,000 people in the province. I had also those dreams and for me they were very terrible because it was like a transportation I had been there with all that people suffering ,and I felt very bad on that occasion.

In this letter I had confused by myself  and I wrote about a plane which would drop down by a bad weather ,and the typhoon that would hit Taiwan ,and I have wrote the wrong name of the flight GE 222 ,and instead of it I wrote down Malaysia airlines  .But I dd not correct it because I was in a hurry to disclose the information to Chinese authorities .
In 2008, I had the same feeling , when I got  the predictions to a powerful earthquake in Sichuan Province that killed more than 70,000 people. When a series of earthquakes hit Gansu Province in northwestern China in 2013, I had suffered too much . and that made me quite a bit was the fact   that Chinese officials and government organizations rushed to the affected area to offer assistance and comfort to the innocent people.

The 2008 earthquake also raised the issue of the substandard construction of many schools and other buildings that collapsed.

In my dreams I was outside in the rain, and I saw   most of the houses on the hills that rise above the  village having a  collapse.

“There are constant aftershocks,” Jucelino  says . “The power is down, it’s all dark outside, and I’m really scared when I had that dream .”

Jucelino Nobega da Luz

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