segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2014










「一定の余震がありますが、「ジュセリーノ氏は述べています。 「力は、それが外のすべての暗い、ダウンしている、と私はその夢を見たとき、私は本当に怖い。"

Jucelino Nobegaダ·ルス


Earthquake can kill hundreds innocent people in China, says Jucelino

A powerful earthquake  can rock a mountainous region of southwest China on this  Sunday , August  3  of 2014 , it can  kill at least 300 people and injure more than 1,800 others, according to the information of Jucelino Luz . With dozens of people will be reported  as missing on Sunday night, the death toll will be  expected to rise, says Jucelino .

The earthquake, which  will strike  at more or less  4:30 p.m. with a preliminary and will  report magnitude of 6.0  in Ludian County in Yunnan Province but will be also felt in two adjacent provinces, according to his predictions  he wrote  in a letter that was sent to authorities last year  .

“According my dreams , I just fell to the ground and stayed there until the shaking stopped, and then I cried and cried,” And I had waked up soon because it was like a nightmare , when I have gotten this dream I was travelling  to Oslo Norway at the house of  a journalist Ann Kristin who helped to send that letter to authorities afterwards .

I have just remember in September 2012, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit the same area, killing 81 people and injuring 821. In the 1970s, two strong earthquakes killed more than 15,000 people in the province. I had also those dreams and for me they were very terrible because it was like a transportation I had been there with all that people suffering ,and I felt very bad on that occasion.

In this letter I had confused by myself  and I wrote about a plane which would drop down by a bad weather ,and the typhoon that would hit Taiwan ,and I have wrote the wrong name of the flight GE 222 ,and instead of it I wrote down Malaysia airlines  .But I dd not correct it because I was in a hurry to disclose the information to Chinese authorities .
In 2008, I had the same feeling , when I got  the predictions to a powerful earthquake in Sichuan Province that killed more than 70,000 people. When a series of earthquakes hit Gansu Province in northwestern China in 2013, I had suffered too much . and that made me quite a bit was the fact   that Chinese officials and government organizations rushed to the affected area to offer assistance and comfort to the innocent people.

The 2008 earthquake also raised the issue of the substandard construction of many schools and other buildings that collapsed.

In my dreams I was outside in the rain, and I saw   most of the houses on the hills that rise above the  village having a  collapse.

“There are constant aftershocks,” Jucelino  says . “The power is down, it’s all dark outside, and I’m really scared when I had that dream .”

Jucelino Nobega da Luz

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