quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2014

ブラジルでのワールドカップ - 実話

ブラジルでのワールドカップ - 実話

カップやFIFAワールドカップ2014は、イベントの第20版となり、開催国ブラジルを持つことになります。 Jucelinoの見解によると、カップは「アルゼンチン」が優勝します。 。しかし、彼は他の回では、変更があったことを指摘する - ワールドカップ前に行われているいくつかの協定が頭文字Jucelinoはチャンピオンとしての「ドイツ」を指摘し、2010年ワールドカップの場合にだけでなく、空気が開始されるため、ほとんど一番最後に、それはいくつかの変化が世界チャンピオンワールドカップなどの「スペイン」につながると起こる可能性と言って、FIFAとドイツの連盟に別の手紙を送った。それ以来、最初の36年後、この大会は。競争は6月12日と7月13日の間で再生され、南米の5回目に行われるFIFAワールドカップ1950の後、国で開催された2回目です。アルゼンチンは1978年にイベントを開催しました。


2005年には、Jucelinoはジョアンイナシオ·ショー番組でのライブき - フォルタレザ-CE、およびイタリアの2006年の勝利とCBFといくつかの関連する問題や、現在の社長であっても勝利に送った手紙について話しました。



31カ国からの代表チームは、決勝トーナメントで、ホスト国、ブラジルで参加する、2011年6月に始まった予選大会、通って進めてきた。 64試合の合計は、新規または再構築のスタジアムでブラジル全体で12の都市で再生しなければならず、トーナメントはグループリーグから始まります。ワールドカップで初めて、ゲームはゴールラインテクノロジーを使用します。


私は彼に対して何もない - - しかし、ブラジルではなく、そこに私は2010年W杯は、「まぬけ」はブラジルのナショナルチームのコーチだった場合ブラジルは勝てないというコメントをしたことを通知したいと思います。



アルゼンチン、ブラジル、オランダ、ドイツ - 




アルゼンチンへの本当の状態は2014年6月の10のJucelino手紙よると、ブラジルでのワールドカップで優勝 - それはCBFに書き込まれた - 。(ブラジル) 


あなたが日本語のためのより良い翻訳を持っている場合イングレス版ここ晒さによると、私たちに送ってください。お願いします。e-mail to Jucelinoluz1@gmail.com

( translation  from  japanese into english version ) 
World Cup in Brazil - True Story 
The Cup or FIFA World Cup 2014 will be the twentieth edition of the event and will have the host country Brazil. According to the views of Jucelino, the cup will be won by "Argentina"; but he points out that in other times, there was a change -. because some agreements that are made before the World Cup starts air as well as in the case of the 2010 World Cup, where the initial letter Jucelino pointed to "Germany" as a champion and June 18, 2010, had a new premonitory vision and sent a letter to FIFA and the German Football Federation said it could happen that some changes would lead to "Spain" as world champion world cup in 2010. 

It is the second time this tournament is held in the country, after the FIFA World Cup 1950. Competition will be played between June 12 and July 13 and will take place for the fifth time in South America, after the first 36 years since Argentina hosted the event in 1978. 
Brazil was the last headquarters of the World Cup through the chosen trundle continents policy implemented by FIFA, started from the choice of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa 
We place emphasis on the letter sent to Mr CBF Ricardo Teixeira, on 11 July 2006, registered under No. RB013719348BR where Jucelino reported some scandals, crimes and other important facts (copy of the letter below) 
As well as Jucelino had been interviewd at minamonta program tv in Japan and told if "Dunga"  was the coch Brazil wouldn´t  be the championship´.....
In 2005, Jucelino been live in Joao Inacio Show program - Fortaleza-CE, and talked about Italy's victory in 2006 even published in his book entitled "Revelations", and the letter sent to CBF and some related problems and even the victory of its current President. 
At the time of the World Cup, as well Jucelino is asked to give their guesses are mostly, well-aimed (correct) And some people in the world have won many bets with hunches Jucelino. And as Brazilian, twists this Cup for Brazil, but sees little chance for the Brazilian national team reach the final. Still, waiting for a great result. 
We are not here to judge or point report and criminals, but the World Cup is equal electron election, there is big money involved and everything can be changed according to the personal interests of an elite, says Jucelino. 
The national teams from 31 countries have advanced through qualifying competitions, which began in June 2011, to participate with the host country, Brazil, in the final tournament. A total of 64 games must be played in twelve cities throughout Brazil on new or rebuilt stadiums, and the tournament begins with a group stage. For the first time in a World Cup, the games will use goal-line technology. 
With the host country, all champion teams in the world since the first World Cup in 1930 (Uruguay, Italy, Germany, England, Argentina, France and Spain) have qualified for this competition. Spain is the defending champion, having defeated the Netherlands 1-0 in the final of the World Cup 2010 to win his first world title. The four previous World Cups headquartered in South America were all won by South American teams. Below, the written and submitted by Jucelino tables and check the table, in my opinion who gets the cup this year is the "Argentina" 
As Brazilian supporter and hopefully change the result, but was written long ago and had a few errors in "precognitive dreams" 
I would just like to remind you that the 2010 Cup, made ​​a comment that Brazil will not win if the "Dopey" was the coach of the Brazilian national team - I have nothing against him - but Brazil, not there and the same was done in the Cup 2006. 
Let's hope that does not happen any violence there, of course!

Attention here in the text below -it is very important to understand better! 

The real condition to Argentina win the World Cup in Brazil , according Jucelino Letter of June 10 of 2014 - it was written to CBF - .( Brazil ) 
If  Neymar hurt himself on the match  against Colômbia , then, Brazil will lose to Germany , and  the   final will be between Argentina x  Germany , and into this Match the judge make an annulation of the first goal of  Argentina .
Thus , the winner will be " Germany "    this comes from the high Cosmos ,and it is in this letter here . 

"  This side is the letter with receipt of deliver "

    "just I am wondering by myself   that in one of the letters that was written in 1970, and at that time he has been  already writing which  would be the four finalists of the World Cup 2014: 

Argentina, Brazil, Holland, and Germany - 

It is amazing ! Fantastic ! 

Says the journalist Mario Ronco Filho 

For those who read my predictions this month of July 2014, shows the reason, Brazilians would be sad, the defeat of Brazil for the German team, and now will blame the coach Scolari and many will say it was by cause of injury Neymar


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